January, 14 – 114 years since Gorlis-Gorsky was born.

Дата: 14.01.2012

On January, 14 1898 in village of Demydivka that used to be of Khremenchuk region and now it’s Poltavshchyna a famous Ukrainian man of arms and public leader, writer, petty officer of UPR(Ukrainian Peoples Republic) was born. He was orthodox and was christened in local Saint-Duhivska chirch. As Demydivka runs back to year of 1654 Gorlis-Gorsky was born a cassak but what is more important – he was a true Ukrainian.

Як вправна вишивальниця мережить нитками орнамент на сорочці, так і події початку минулого століття вплели яскравою ниткою у долю Юрія стежки Холодного Яру, листя древніх гайдамацьких дубів і тихий шепіт одвічної історії цього краю…

During the first winter military march of UPR Army Gorlis-Gorsky was a petty officer of Zaporiz’ka cavalry devision but due to long-lasting sickness in first days of February 1920 he had to stay for treatment in Motronivsky monastery on Chygyrynshchyna. There is a proverb: не було б щастя – та нещастя допомогло… Thrown by fate to Holodny Yar nice officer and public leader was a skilled writer as well and “Holodny Yar” among other his compositions is the most powerful literary creation that brought through years heroism of struggle for liberation of Holodnoyarky republic cassaks. Today is the day when 114 year ago a great Ukrainian was born but there is no measure of time drawn to the memory in history of native nation. The name of Yuriy Gorlis-Gorsky is eternal.

“Kozatsky Kray” congratulates the family of Yuriy Gorlis-Gorsky: his wife Galyna and daughter Olesya, all descendents of the glorious Family as well as all conscious Ukrainians aware of their history with the birthday of the one who had fixed the moment when “ a new fire whiffed from Holodny Yar” and didn’t let this fire to fade… “Slava Ukraini”

With great respect to glorious name – editors of “Kozatsky Kray” gazette

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